Studying in Castelfranco

Castelfranco Veneto’s Conservatoire “Agostino Steffani” is a State Institution of High Culture (Istituto d’Alta Cultura) originally founded in 1969 as a separate branch of Venice Conservatoire but subsequently gaining independence in 1980. The conservatorio’s main premises are situated within the walls of Castelfranco’s medieval centre and are dominated by Villa Barbarella, which houses the academic and administration offices as well as teaching classrooms. Owing to the increase in student enrolments, further conservatoire premises have recently been established in another historically interesting setting; the recently restored rooms of the ancient Convent of the Cloister “dei Serviti”.
The conservatoire has about fifty teaching and practice rooms and also has a studio for electronic music, a conference and concert hall that seats seventy, a music library with separate audio-visual facilities. Il also has staff and student rooms with computer and internet facilities. Concerts, lessons in orchestra and opera studies and many other conservatoire activities take place in another historically interesting place; Castelfranco’s beautiful eighteenth century “Accademico” theatre.
Castelfranco Veneto Conservatoire offers a very wide range of instrumental studies, including instruments not normally taught in other conservatoires such as accordion, viola da gamba and celtic harp.
Our Production Office, organises around 150 events each year in the area, in the province of Treviso and in various locations in Italy and abroad. For a long time it managed a concert season ‘In chiave Classica’ at the Teatro Accademico in Castelfranco Veneto with the participation of high-profile artists.
In collaboration with the Conservatory, the following are organised every year: The Jazz Festival, The Sax Festival, and the Guitar Festival.
The conservatory’s International Office works tirelessly to promote the internationalisation of the institute and the participation of foreign guests and students in all the conservatory’s most vital activities: from lectures and master classes to concerts and festivals.
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Academic authorities |
About the Conservatory of music Agostino Steffani Located in a wonderful position, near cities such as Venice, Padua and Asolo, Castelfranco Veneto's Conservatoire “Agostino Steffani” is a State Institution of High Culture (Istituto d'Alta Cultura) riginally founded in 1969 as a separate branch of Venice Conservatoire but subsequently gaining independence in 1980. The conservatorio's main premises are situated within the walls of Castelfranco's medieval centre and are dominated by Villa Barbarella, which houses the academic and administration offices as well as teaching classrooms. Owing to the increase in student enrolments, further conservatoire premises have recently been established in another historically interesting setting; the recently restored rooms of the ancient Convent of the Cloister “dei Serviti”. The conservatoire has about fifty teaching and practice rooms and also has two studios for electronic music, a conference and concert hall that seats seventy, a music library with separate audio-visual facilities. Il also has staff and student rooms with computer and internet facilities. Concerts, lessons in orchestra and opera studies and many other conservatoire activities take place in another historically interesting place; Castelfranco's beautiful eighteenth century “Accademico” theatre. Castelfranco Veneto Conservatoire offers a very wide range of instrumental studies, including instruments not normally taught in other conservatoires such as accordion and viola da gamba. |
Professors |
Calendar CALENDAR 1st November: Beginning of the Academic Year Exams for enrolled students and Erasmus students (1st and 2nd level degree): Deadline for admissions to the 1st and 2nd level degrees (Triennio and Biennio) and useful information: The EU countries who do not want to show up at the first session of exams can be sent by May 31 for admission related to a curriculum and a DVD with a recording of your performance by at least 30 minutes. In the case of materials composing the candidate must submit at least three scores with his statement to be the author. The Conservatoire will be closed on: |
Grading System |
General admission requirements Bachelor Degree Admission (1st cycle) To apply for 1st cycle programmes of study it is necessary to hold a secondary school qualification. Students holding a secondary school qualification issued by foreign secondary schools can be admitted if their diplomas meet the following general requirements: Master Degree Admission (2nd cycle) To apply for 2nd cycle programmes of study it is necessary to hold a 1st cycle degree (Bachelor). Students holding a 1st cycle qualification issued by university or university-level institution can be admitted if their diplomas grant access to 2nd cycle courses in the Higher Education system of reference. |
About Castelfranco Castelfranco Veneto owes its name to the castle 'frank' (exempt) from taxation for its first inhabitants-defenders. The imposing red brick square was erected over an existing embankment, at the end of the twelfth century by the city's medieval Treviso, just north of the village of Pieve Nova, on the east bank of the river Muson, in defense of the turbulent boundary to the lands Padua and Vicenza. Already in the first decades of the fourteenth century, on the eastern side, it develops the first inhabited nucleus (Bastia Old) tool also of defense, with a poorhouse and viandanti.Walled city by its very definition, preserves almost the entire city walls and six towers that rise to the four corners and midpoints of the east and south. City of businesses from the outset and the seat of an ancient market of grain and cattle, active until the middle of the last century it was the center, in the past, the most varied craft activities and railway junction of the late nineteenth century to the first level present day.It was the seat of the Venetian Podesta 1339-1797, country, between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, men of science (James, Jordan and Vincenzo Riccati), architects (Francesco Maria Preti) and musicians (Agostino Steffani) of wide fame, Castelfranco Veneto is known worldwide for being the birthplace of one of the most extraordinary and enigmatic figures in the history of painting: Giorgione (1478-1510), the mysterious genius of light and color. Giorgione, the fort encloses almost casket, two gems among the few recognized the painter: the hermetic Frieze Casa Marta-Pellizzari and renowned altar of the Cathedral of St. Liberal. Walled-city of Giorgione: This is the two-faced icon of Castelfranco Veneto, embossed, yesterday and today, in the eyes of astonished and enraptured poets, writers and travelers everywhere. LinkComune di Castelfranco Veneto Partner hotelHotel La TorreAddress: Piazza Trento e Trieste, 7, 31033 Castelfranco Veneto TV Telephone: +39 0423 498707 EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERSCarabinieri (Italian military police): 112 |
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European Health Insurance Card |
Italian Health Service |
Studying in Italy |
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